Let's make things epic / Let's make things epic /

Superfire 02

Superfire | Intro

We wanted to make the most of an enjoyable fire, resulting in a a 2.0 fireplace that heats up your camp. The SUPERFIRE is a concept in continuous development. Even electrical power can be extracted from this. Embrace the warmth with The SUPERFIRE.
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Superfire | Concept

We wanted to make the most of an enjoyable fire, resulting in a a 2.0 fireplace that heats up your camp. The SUPERFIRE is a concept in continuous development. Even electrical power can be extracted from this. Embrace the warmth with The SUPERFIRE
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Superfire | Result

Start a great fire and the warmth wil flow trough your very own rounded red lounge by an ingenious system. Not only your front heats up by the fire, but the entire seat slowly warms your body completely. And that's not all: keep the fire kicking and the hot-tub we have dug in for you gets warmer and nicer. After this experience you just chillout at the fire for a little while longer and then retreat in your cabin with satisfaction. The cabin seems to be an old sea beacon but she shines on the inside. Here an intimate round bed awaits you.
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  • Superfire

  • Backfire powered hot-tub-hot-sofa-hot-cabin paradise


  • 2013 - present

  • Traveling The Netherlands


  • Urban Campsite

  • Welcome To The Village

  • Kluut Island